Building the synergy of success
Media Synergy assists in developing all types of community websites complete with user profiles and groups, messaging, activity streams and more.

About Us
We believe that social networking platforms are the future of online communication. Incorporating the latest trends and technologies, these platforms provide users with better experience than traditional discussion boards. As a customer-oriented business, we value user experience above all else.
Our goal is to supply the clients with top software for social networking and help them build successful online communities. We create technology-driven social networking platforms that are innovative, mobile-friendly, scalable and can be easily upgraded.
Media Synergy is focused on project management in various areas of e-commerce, including but not limited to managing all stages of project life cycle.
Why Us
Media Synergy is your top choice for establishing strong online presence with minimum time and effort.

No coding required
You don’t need to be a professional developer to build a website complete with basic features. With our ready-to-use site builder, you will create a professional networking website in no time.
Cross-device compatibility
Your community will look amazing on all devices – mobile phone, tablet and desktop.

Customizable design
Make your website an eye-candy with the help of HTML and CSS – or share your ideas with us, and we’ll do the rest.
Antiscam protection
Scammers and spammers will be stopped automatically with our protection system.

Around-the-clock support
Attract more customers – and motivate them to stay – with our 24/7 professional consulting and problem solving.
Make your community profitable with our e-commerce module. Driving traffic, converting visitors and selling products – you’ll be able to do this and much more.

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